Bill would exempt clerks from issuing gay marriage licenses
FRANKFORT, Ky. –— Two Republican state representatives have filed a bill that would protect county clerks from criminal or civil liability for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because of their religious beliefs.
Reps. Stan Lee of Lexington and David Meade of Stanford are sponsoring the bill for the legislative session that begins in January. It is similar to one filed by Republican state Rep. Addia Wuchner of Florence.
At least two county clerks have stopped issuing all marriage licenses after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriages are legal nationwide. The American Civil Liberties Union sued Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis over the issue. That case is pending.
The bill would also protect ministers from liability for refusing to perform marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples.
It was to be expected that the religious/conservative/ultra-conservative right ideologues would try to cirumvent the law and the SCOTUS decision for their own mean/selfcentered ends. Their attitude is that THEIR RIGHTS are the only ones that matter and they could care less (and fight against) ANYONE or ANY IDEA that they don't like. They are NOT INTERESTED in the Bill of Rights NOR the U.S. Constitution as far as the parts they don't like and ANY section of those U.S. founding documents that espouses ideas or rights they deem counter to their way of thinking they DISMISS, and have tried for decades to overturn Constitutional Rights in decisions ALREADY LONG SINCE HANDED DOWN by SCOTUS. This all takes on a sinister tone when compounded by the fact they HATE and devoutly ANYONE OR ANYTHING they consider outside of their stated goals.
We now have county clerks who PROFESS on RELIGIOUS grounds to not like the new ruling, BUT WHERE IS THE BIBLICAL reference to 'RENDER UNTO CAESAR WHAT IS CAESAR'S' and other passages that were used to decree you need to FOLLOW THE LAW. ONLY WHEN IT IS CONSIDERED CONVENIENT do they follow THOSE parts of the Bible THEY CLAIM to love so much. Christians IN NAME ONLY, as far as I am concerned. What they ARE are manipulators and control freaks.
It might be nice if we could all pick and choose which laws to abide by, but that is not the way America works. If you don't like seek chng
THIS IS ABOUT THE LAW. IF KIM DAVIS DOESN'T WANT TO ABIDE BY FEDERAL LAW, THEN SHE SHOULD STEP DOWN FOR THE GOOD OF HER CONSTITUENTS. SCOTUS spoke as did the VAST MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. I am tired of these religious zealots who think it's their way or the highway, and try to rule by fiat instead of by one person one vote, and all the rest of the way AMERICA has done business for over 300 years. THIS IS NOT NORTH KOREA.
If you don't like a law, say so. Picket. Protest. Work within the law to change it, BUT IF YOU ARE AN ELECTED OFFICIAL, your DUTY is to UPHOLD THE LAW whether you like it or not.
If you don't like THAT? GO TO A DICTATORSHIP,COUNTRY, You will fit right in in North Korea, Uganda, and the like.You will LOVE Uganda. Boy do THEY not have rights.
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